Nicaragua Jinotega (Single Origin) 12 oz


Washed process.

Flavor notes- Almond butter, semi sweet chocolate, earl grey tea

Varietal- Bourbon, Catimor, Catuai, Maragogype

Brightness- 1 out of 4

Body- 2 out of 4

Flavor - 4 out 4

Overall - 4 out of 4

89 score

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Washed process.

Flavor notes- Almond butter, semi sweet chocolate, earl grey tea

Varietal- Bourbon, Catimor, Catuai, Maragogype

Brightness- 1 out of 4

Body- 2 out of 4

Flavor - 4 out 4

Overall - 4 out of 4

89 score

Washed process.

Flavor notes- Almond butter, semi sweet chocolate, earl grey tea

Varietal- Bourbon, Catimor, Catuai, Maragogype

Brightness- 1 out of 4

Body- 2 out of 4

Flavor - 4 out 4

Overall - 4 out of 4

89 score

Nicaragua Jinotega (Single Origin) 12 oz

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